Discover how Troi GmbH is taking climate action

Troi GmbH joined forces with hundreds of others to take immediate, collaborative, and transparent action to fight climate change.

Not active
This company has not yet fulfilled all requirements or is on a membership tier that does not include a custom microsite.
Troi GmbH
Actions planned
About Troi
Troi is a comprehensive SaaS solution for design agencies, management consultancies, architects and production studios. Our software covers the entire day-to-day project business. From maintaining contacts and preparing offers to project management, controlling and accounting. Through process automatization and artificial intelligence, we enable users to optimize their project workflow. For better results, more time and sustainable growth.
Our sustainability concept
We believe that sustainability should be the core topic of every business decision. That’s why we decided to take action. Our product is not only run on 100% renewable energy. It also provides the basis for future-oriented, sustainable work models. Sustainability for us includes environmental protection, social responsibility and health-education. That’s why we made significant changes to our daily routines and our company`s strategic orientation. Not only to the benefit of our employees but also our product and services.
Disclaimer: Companies are responsible for the actions they are reporting. If you spot claims that seem wrong, get in touch with us and we'll forward your request:
Action Pillars

Raising the bar on climate leadership

With focus on simplicity, our action pillars help companies prioritize what matters.
Step Up
Assume climate leadership by publicly commiting to 1.5°C ambition and making an assesment of your emissions, resources, and influence.
Take immediate action to reduce emissions in your own operations and value chain to “zero” – or as close as you can get.
Embed climate considerations into every part of your business, from products and services to long-term strategy.
Use your social, financial, and political power to become an proactive agent of change.
Would you like to see your employer do more?
When employees speak, companies listen! Make your voice heard and advocate for bold climate leadership by sharing Troi GmbH example inside your company.