Discover how the wearness is taking climate action

the wearness joined forces with hundreds of others to take immediate, collaborative, and transparent action to fight climate change.

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the wearness
Actions planned
The wearness is an online marketplace for fair fashion, beauty and ethical luxury. We proudly present designers who are committed to sustainability. We at the wearness want to offer fashion-conscious customers a positive shopping alternative - attractive and easy, but with a clear conscience. We only work with manufacturers and designers who run their business with respect for people and the planet and who meet our three most important criteria: good, timeless design, impeccable quality and sustainable production methods.
We are taking this path together with ECOLOGI: The non-profit company has the vision to create a platform where companies from all over the world can network and get involved in climate protection. At the same time they are helped to establish appropriate climate measures in their corporate structures. The NGO works together with the tree planting partner "The Eden Reforeststation Project", which plants millions of trees around the world every month. For every purchase, we plant a tree.
The primary objective of this Agrocortex REDD+ project is to avoid the unplanned deforestation of the 186,389.66 ha project area, consisting of 100% Amazon rainforest. This project aims to avoid 30,0006 ha of deforestation which equates to 14,507,808 tonnes of CO2e in emissions reductions over the 30 year project lifetime. The preservation and protection of this project area will protect its biodiversity, maintaining habitats for the species that live within the forests. A total of 158 different tree species were surveyed within the project bounds, and it is known to host eight endangered mammal species and numerous endangered bird and plant species. The detailed management of the forest will also mean the continued employment of nearly 400 workers within the region.
This Wind Power Project in Andhra Pradesh, developed by Orange Anantapur Wind Power Pvt Ltd, involves the installation and running of 50 wind turbines. The total installed capacity of the project activity is 100 MW comprising 50 wind turbines of 2000 kW capacity each. The purpose of the project is to generate electrical power using wind energy, which is then exported to the Indian electricity grid, displacing electricity which would otherwise have been generated by fossil fuels, such as the coal mines. When it is fully operational, the project will be responsible for around 200,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions reductions each year. This project will also help alleviate poverty within the local area, by creating employment opportunities for local people and bringing additional investment to the region. Power generated from this project activity can also be used for small scale industries, thus further generating more, and alternative, employment opportunities.
We asked ourselves how we could get out of this situation of wasting more and more resources and growing mountains of discarded clothes - and decided to create our own small collection. A collection in which every piece can become a classic. One item every three months. In the course of time we build up a collection. Everything matches. And yet each item stands for itself. Our first collection piece is this blouse. We have chosen to work only with natural and organic materials that can be biodegraded or composted.
We also want our packaging to have as little impact on the environment as possible and have therefore decided against the use of plastic and opted for a plant-based alternative. Our Better Packaging Co. packaging bags are made from corn and are therefore 100% biodegradable. They can be composted at home and will fully degrade within 3-6 months. For plastic-free oceans, a protected environment and a better future.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries. - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests. The wearness is also committed to the implementation of the SDGs and sustainable development and makes a positive contribution to the following goals...
Disclaimer: Companies are responsible for the actions they are reporting. If you spot claims that seem wrong, get in touch with us and we'll forward your request:
Action Pillars

Raising the bar on climate leadership

With focus on simplicity, our action pillars help companies prioritize what matters.
Step Up
Assume climate leadership by publicly commiting to 1.5°C ambition and making an assesment of your emissions, resources, and influence.
Take immediate action to reduce emissions in your own operations and value chain to “zero” – or as close as you can get.
Embed climate considerations into every part of your business, from products and services to long-term strategy.
Use your social, financial, and political power to become an proactive agent of change.
Would you like to see your employer do more?
When employees speak, companies listen! Make your voice heard and advocate for bold climate leadership by sharing the wearness example inside your company.