Our goal
As part of the AVIV Group, which belongs to Axel Springer, immowelt is
aligned with the sustainability goals of Axel Springer. With the climate
strategy "we empower a_ greener future", Axel Springer is committed to
becoming a climate-neutral company by the financial year 2024. In the
short term, Axel Springer will therefore reduce absolute CO2 emissions by
three to five percent annually over the next ten years. In the long term, all
direct and indirect emissions are to be reduced by 90 percent by 2045. In
addition to reducing emissions, all emissions not reduced will be offset
annually by certified projects. These offset projects are certified either
according to the Gold or Verified Carbon Standard or relate to the United
Nations Clean Development Mechanism.
In the first step, we measured our emissions for the year 2021 and divided
them into the common Scopes 1-3. For Scope 1, which is direct emissions
from the vehicle fleet, refrigerants and heating system, we determined a
consumption of 413 tons of CO2. Indirect energy-related emissions from
electricity, Scope 2, accounted for 184 tons of CO2. The largest share of
emissions comes from Scope 3 (indirect emissions such as laptops,
catering, service providers, data centers, network, smartphones, etc.) at
4.815 tons of CO2. In total, immowelt's business activities generated 5.412
tons of CO2 in 2021.
The second part is the reduction of emissions. immowelt was already able
to significantly reduce emissions in 2021. This was made possible by
increasing the share of green electricity. However, emissions are to be
reduced even further, step by step. These measures have already been
implemented to achieve the goal: As company vehicles immowelt only
offers e-cars instead of cars with combustion engines. In addition to this,
several charging stations were installed at the headquarters in
Nuremberg. Employees who travel to work by public transport receive a
subsidy for the monthly ticket. On the technical side, servers are migrated
to the AWS Cloud, mainly favoring regions with very high levels of green
power. In addition, water dispensers are used at company headquarters
instead of glass bottles and motion detectors reduce power consumption.
immowelt wants to take its employees with it on the path to becoming a
sustainable company. In order to raise awareness of sustainability, these
measures and goals are communicated openly and transparently.
As long as not all emissions can be avoided, as third step immowelt
compensates for the emissions generated. For the year 2021, immowelt
has already offset the entire emissions of 5.412 tons of CO2. Various projects were supported for this purpose, for example a solar power project at Patan in India, a hydroelectric plant project in Nicaragua and a
geothermal power plant project in Indonesia.
About immowelt
immowelt is part of the AVIV Group, one of the largest digital real estate
tech companies in the world. The immowelt mission is to digitize all steps
of the real estate transaction in the future in order to make it as
uncomplicated and simple as possible for all parties involved. The basis for
this is provided by the wide-reaching immowelt portals, which are among
the leading real estate platforms in Germany and Austria and already
successfully bring together owners, real estate professionals and seekers.
immowelt supports the uncomplicated search for a rental property, the
effective marketing of a property and customized financing of one's own
four walls with data-supported services. Thanks to decades of experience
and broad real estate expertise, immowelt thus creates the perfect
experience of success for tenants and landlords, real estate professionals,
property owners and buyers. In addition to immowelt, other leading real
estate online marketplaces in France, Belgium and Israel belong to the
AVIV Group, which is part of Axel Springer SE.
In order to implement a sustainable corporate strategy, immowelt has set
up a Green Team. Together with the management, the team creates
sustainability goals and implements the measures to achieve them.