Discover how Datenschutz is taking climate action

Datenschutz joined forces with hundreds of others to take immediate, collaborative, and transparent action to fight climate change.

Not active
This company has not yet fulfilled all requirements or is on a membership tier that does not include a custom microsite.
Datenschutz für Unternehmen: einfach und digital! Wir glauben daran, dass Datenschutz für jedes Unternehmen einfach umsetzbar sein muss und daran arbeiten wir täglich als führendes Legal-Tech-Unternehmen im Bereich Datenschutz. Unsere Mission ist es, den Datenschutz für Unternehmen mit verständlichen Lösungen digital und lösungsorientiert umsetzbar zu machen. Mit unserer selbst entwickelten smarten Datenschutzmanagement-Software Proliance 360 und unseren Beratungsleistungen begleiten wir insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen auf ihrem Weg zur Datenschutzkonformität. Schon heute schützen wir durch unsere Lösungen die Daten von über einer Million Bürgerinnen und Bürger – und es werden täglich mehr! // Data protection for companies: simple and digital! We believe that data protection must be easy to implement for every company and this is what we work on every day as a leading legal tech company in the field of data protection. Our mission is to make data protection implementable for companies with understandable solutions in a digital and solution-oriented way. With our self-developed smart data protection management software Proliance 360 and our consulting services, we accompany especially small and medium-sized companies on their way to data protection compliance. Today, we are already protecting the data of more than one million citizens with our solutions - and the number is growing every day!
Disclaimer: Companies are responsible for the actions they are reporting. If you spot claims that seem wrong, get in touch with us and we'll forward your request:
Action Pillars

Raising the bar on climate leadership

With focus on simplicity, our action pillars help companies prioritize what matters.
Step Up
Assume climate leadership by publicly commiting to 1.5°C ambition and making an assesment of your emissions, resources, and influence.
Take immediate action to reduce emissions in your own operations and value chain to “zero” – or as close as you can get.
Embed climate considerations into every part of your business, from products and services to long-term strategy.
Use your social, financial, and political power to become an proactive agent of change.
Would you like to see your employer do more?
When employees speak, companies listen! Make your voice heard and advocate for bold climate leadership by sharing Datenschutz example inside your company.