Discover how Data4Life is taking climate action

Data4Life joined forces with hundreds of others to take immediate, collaborative, and transparent action to fight climate change.

Not active
This company has not yet fulfilled all requirements or is on a membership tier that does not include a custom microsite.
Actions planned
Unlocking the full potential of health data - Getting to know Data4Life
Data4Life is a nonprofit digital health organization dedicated to improving global health in three ways: 1) we enable researchers by helping them manage studies and gain new medical insights; 2) we empower individuals and families with digital solutions, so they can improve their own health and quality of life; and 3) we support healthcare providers by simplifying processes and offering open-source software to fit patient needs. Since the environment and health are inextricably linked, Data4Life also plays an active role in fighting climate change.
Human health depends on a healthy planet
At Data4Life, we’re aware there is no easy solution to climate change. This does not stop us, however, from doing what we can. We continue to set ambitious climate goals and incorporate them into our OKRs. We’ve been part of the LFCA since 2019 and have remained climate neutral since then. Between 2019 and 2020, we decreased our carbon emissions from 343,835 to 186,714 kg. We’ve also implemented a company-wide policy banning domestic flights within Germany and offset any international flights. All of our offices and data centers run on green energy.
Disclaimer: Companies are responsible for the actions they are reporting. If you spot claims that seem wrong, get in touch with us and we'll forward your request:
Action Pillars

Raising the bar on climate leadership

With focus on simplicity, our action pillars help companies prioritize what matters.
Step Up
Assume climate leadership by publicly commiting to 1.5°C ambition and making an assesment of your emissions, resources, and influence.
Take immediate action to reduce emissions in your own operations and value chain to “zero” – or as close as you can get.
Embed climate considerations into every part of your business, from products and services to long-term strategy.
Use your social, financial, and political power to become an proactive agent of change.
Would you like to see your employer do more?
When employees speak, companies listen! Make your voice heard and advocate for bold climate leadership by sharing Data4Life example inside your company.