Our Commitment
We are sustainable entrepreneurs – as part of our company culture, we live this value every day. Sustainability, environmental awareness and social responsibility are the foundation of our corporate DNA.
Our Carbon Neutrality
As a founding supporter of Leaders for Climate Action, we work hard to reduce our CO₂ footprint and are a carbon neutral company since 2020. We only use renewables energies and switched to a sustainable travel policy. In cooperation with Climate Partner we offset the remaining emissions by supporting forest protection in Brasil and helping the Plastic Bank to stop ocean plastic worldwide.
Our Arvantis Green Team
In 2020 we established the cross-company Arvantis Green Team, which already counts more than 15 active members. We discuss possible climate actions and implement them, strengthen the overall sensibility for sustainability and actively move climate neutrality in our company group forward. We have already been able to improve a lot: For example, we only drink tap water, minimize waste production and organize regular green team events.
Our Way to a Sustainable Office
We are trying to improve environmental awareness especially in our everyday office life. We solely run on recycling paper, think before we print, buy our office food from packaging-free stores and consume vegetarian food.
Disclaimer: Companies are responsible for the actions they are reporting. If you spot claims that seem wrong, get in touch with us and we'll forward your request: